A Blog Devoted to Group Travel
Welcome to Group Trip Advisor, a blog solely devoted to group travel. Here you’ll find tips, hints, resources, and lively commentary all aimed at simplifying the group trip planning process and inspiring anyone who travels with groups.
Anyone planning a trip needs a little help now and then. We plan to cover topics such as road-tripping with girlfriends, skiing with your pals, jet-setting to a destination wedding, gathering for a family reunion, negotiating group contracts, volunteering for a cause, spring break tips, travel companions from hell, blending in abroad and so much more.
Eventually, we'll feature guest bloggers on subjects of their expertise, photo contests and "lessons learned" from you, our fellow group trip planners. And we'll solicit ideas for subjects of interest to you. Stay tuned…
Whether you've organized one group trip, one thousand, or it's your first one, we can all learn from each other. If you see an article or post on this blog that strikes you, please share your thoughts. We’ll monitor and do our best to answer questions as swiftly as we can.
A little background on our team: We’ve worked in online travel for years (including helping to launch and build Expedia), traveled the globe, helped organize events, planned numerous group trips (family and friend get-togethers mainly), and have felt the pain of using inefficient methods of planning a trip or an event with groups involved – email after email, endless phone calls, trying to keep track of RSVPs, accommodating changes. So many wasted hours keeping all the details straight! Our hope is to help make the group travel planning experience easier by sharing insights, resources and stories.
Happy travels.
Really appreciate these excellent reader comments/recommendations:
"I've found that putting cash into a pot (or an envelope) to cover gas, lodging, and road snacks works well. Each person puts in equal amount and if/when it runs out, just add a more. Then there's no forgetting, no math, no pressure, no guilt at the end. The only inconvenience is having to go into the gas station to pay for gas. But hey, on a road trip, everyone usually gets out anyways. The other courtious thing, I think, is to give the car's owner a discount to account for wear and tear on their rig."
"I spent three years in the Peace Corps, and we often travelled en masse. I think the previous comment is an excellent one, especially if it's uncomfortable to ask whose turn it is to pay for beer or gas. (Sometimes, people just don't pipe up when it's their turn.) Having a "bank" of money eliminates that problem. Of course, you have to trust the person who serves as banker :-)"