11th Carnival of Travel: Culinary Commentary
If you travel for food, read on. The 11th carnival of travel is filled with thoughtful (even mouth-watering at times) commentary on food for herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores alike. Each article is fresh and flavorful.
- Pam Mandel presents Recycled: Baked Insanity saying, "In which I lose my mind over a baked good at a roadside restaurant...."
- EDJ presents Adventures in Eating. This is a hilarious account of a meal abroad.
- Melissa Petri presents "Visit the Tapas King in San Sebastian" and "Gastronomic Experience in Beijing" posted at Wandalust.
- Mr. Besilly presents "A Starbucks Latte: With No Surprises Inside" posted at Mr. Besilly - A roadmap for loving life on planet earth, saying, "Do you need that cup of Starbucks when you travel. So do I! Here's my rant on that subject."
- R Waldhoff presents "Food Lore: The Artichoke" posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "Gregory McNamee provides a brief cross-cultural history of the artichoke."
- Tannaz Sassooni presents Ethnic Markets: Feel worldly for cheap posted at WiseBread Frugal.
- Gillian Polack presents "Melbourne Chinese food," saying, "I spent my holidays in Melbourne (Australia) and they were all about food and food history."
- Joanne presents "Camping Food for Kids," saying, "Picky eaters don't get any less picky just because you’re on vacation—just ask my youngest ones (Rachel is two and Jacob is six, and both of them want everything just so at mealtime)."
Thanks for tuning in. Hungry for travel yet?
February 16, 2007
Update: The Carnival of Travel is no longer active but Group Trip Advisor welcomes guest posts. Please contact us to learn more.